Dads are notoriously tough to shop for, so we’ve gathered our recommend outdoor and motorcycle riding gifts for the ridersmen!
We’d like to dedicate this gift list to all theridersmen out there. To the fathers who enjoy riding trip.
To all the practical men, who know who they are and what they’re about.
In other words, to the fathers who are utterly impossible to buy a gift for!

Seriously, what on earth do they need? They seem to have everything they want. And every time we ask, they just wave us off and say, “Oh, you don’t need to get me anything”. Look, dad, we appreciate your low-maintenance personality. Truly, we do. But this is not helpful.
That is why we came up with this gift guide.
Universal helmet bluetooth headset
Worrying about your father’s unsafe riding calls, helmet Bluetooth headsets can come in handy. Automatically answer incoming calls, listen to music, navigation voice, and ensure the safety of riding.
Under $50

Helmet Universal Waterproof Bluetooth Intercom
Worried about the inconvenience of communication between your father and his companions when riding motorbike, or when it is raining while riding motorbike, these helmet-mounted waterproof walkie-talkies can be used. Real-time talk for 2-5 people are also satisfied to automatically answer incoming calls and listen to music, navigation voice.
Under $50